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Hydrophilic oil: an effective alternative to several beauty products!

It is no longer news to us that hydrophilic oil can dissolve dirt and makeup, as well as prevent clogged pores.

Here are some more "beauty life hacks"?

Getting rid of blockages and blackheads: Before using the oil, cleanse your face and steam it in the shower or with a hot towel. Then apply the oil to the skin, leave it for a few minutes and start massaging problem areas. Continue the cleansing step with a cleansing foam.

We all love to experiment to maintain our beauty.

Why not create your own body scrub? Mix hydrophilic oil with salt, coffee grounds or sugar and use it as a body scrub. Although the consumption will be high, after the massage your skin will be simply amazing.

Cleansing makeup accessories:

sponges, brushes, etc., can be cleaned with oil more effectively than with soap. Just wet the accessory and clean it with a little oil, you will see how the makeup and dust come off better, keeping your accessories in excellent condition. Afterwards, wash the accessory with cleansing foam.

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